Shopify Plus Consultancy

If you’re looking for an enterprise ecommerce software solution then Shopify Plus could be your best fit. We’ve worked with Shopify and Shopify Plus since its inception, growing a wealth of knowledge and experience in the benefits and execution for enterprise ecommerce businesses.

Worked with:

This has allowed us to create a free service where we connect you with the Shopify Plus agency or consultant who can help create your perfect selling platform.

A Shopify Plus expert consultant will provide a range of solutions, from enterprise scale consultations through to design, development and digital strategy.

Your Shopify Plus Experts

Carl Hendy

Founder at Audits, SEO Consultant, and Angel Investor. Previous B Corp award-winning agency owner (acquired).

20+ years of experience in SEO and ecommerce advisory roles, covering both strategy and technical execution. I have previously worked on ecommerce SEO strategies for British Airways, John Lewis, O2, Eventbrite, Marks & Spencer, Yoox Net-a-Porter Group, Cotswold Co (award winning SEO campaign), BooHoo and New Look (award winning SEO campaign). Carl competed within the most competitive search verticals such as travel, fashion, iGaming, health, credit cards, and insurance.

Carl Hendy LinkedIn | Carl Hendy X (Twitter) | |

Dan Barker

Dan Barker

Background of 20+ years working with digital technology, from software engineer through various marketing, data, ecommerce, fintech and other projects through to CMO of a couple of international businesses, non-exec, trustee, etc, having worked across many areas, for more than 100 brands in both freelance and in-house capacities. I enjoy spending time learning, and working with positive organisations to make a difference.

Dan Barker LinkedIn | Dan Barker X (Twitter)

The Shopify Plus consultants we work with have a deep knowledge of the Shopify Plus platform, with extensive experience in creating Shopify sites that are optimised for more conversions and more traffic. We connect merchants with Shopify Plus experts who can help with services such as:

  • Replatforming from services such as Magento (EE) to Shopify Plus
  • Bespoke design, build and setup of a Shopify store from scratch
  • Implementation of Shopify Plus enterprise scale services
  • Mobile and tablet responsive design
  • Custom-design or template-based solutions
  • Conversion optimisation
  • Ongoing design, build and marketing support
  • Complementary digital marketing services

We offer free recommendations for experts who can provide as many or as little of these services as you need, helping you to employ Shopify Plus as your ecommerce solution.

If you’re looking for help with any, or all, of the services above, please fill out the contact form below and we’ll use our experience to find you the best Shopify Plus agency or consultant for your needs.

Why Shopify Plus?

Choosing the right ecommerce platform as you scale can be tricky. One of the most common misconceptions we hear when we talk to business owners is that Shopify is only for small-mid size companies and those looking to make a quick buck.

Shopify is one of the easiest platforms to build an ecommerce business on but not at the exclusion of being able to support larger businesses. This is where Shopify Plus comes into play.

Shopify Plus is designed as an ecommerce platform for merchants working towards high-growth and high-volume sales. Unlike some enterprise-level ecommerce solutions, Shopify Plus provides selling capabilities that aren’t capped by high costs, timeframes or technical red tape.

This means you can build a thriving business, able to handle thousands of orders per minute, in an affordable, scalable way.

Shopify Plus Benefits

In our experience, choosing the right platform for an ecommerce business will be one of the hardest decisions a merchant will ever make. The right decision means growth, success and a platform which supports its users as much as its sellers. The wrong decision can lead to poor functionality, confused user journeys and potential site outages.

Options for the mid-large business owner include Magento, SAP Hybris and BigCommerce but you only have to search Google Trends to see that Shopify and Shopify Plus are growing in popularity.

There are a lot of questions about which is best. Magento Enterprise Edition (EE) often receives more airtime, being a more established platform, but could Shopify Plus provide you with a better enterprise alternative?

Here we share some of our knowledge regarding the Shopify Plus platform to help make your decision easier.

Support whenever you need it

Shopify Plus is a fully hosted ecommerce platform. What does this mean for you as a merchant? Well for a start, it means that if your site goes down there’s someone at the other end who will probably realise before you do. With any hosted platform there’s a wealth of support staff who will ensure your site stays up, or who will be at the end of the phone when you need them.

Shopify Plus is also built with the infrastructure to handle large influxes of traffic that enterprise-level businesses can often experience. So whether it’s Boxing Day sales, Black Friday or a PR campaign designed to ‘break the internet’, the infinitely scalable SaaS Shopify Plus system can handle your traffic needs.

This allows up to thousands of transactions per minute, all led by a fast and fluid user experience. Cue happy customers, repeat sales and a growing business.

Secure system, secure you

Security is paramount for any ecommerce company, when customer payment details are at risk. If you choose a self-hosted platform you, the merchant, are responsible for ensuring the data on your server is secure. Which, when it contains thousands if not more, customer details and sensitive financials, means huge responsibility. With a hosted platform, such as Shopify Plus it is Shopify that is responsible for customer security, therefore investing the time and money needed to keep this up to scratch.

Shopify Plus ensures you are Level 1 PCI DSS compliant, allowing you to sell products online and take payments as securely as a bank would – giving you the peace of mind you need. If you want this level of security without making an additional investment in security requirements (or holding onto any of the risk) then Shopify Plus could be for you.

Improved marketing and SEO

A great ecommerce site is of little use if you can’t get any customers there. One of the benefits of Shopify Plus is that it’s optimised to grow the customer funnel and improve the customer journey from start to finish. Even without a technical background, Shopify Plus is super simple to navigate. Some of the inbuilt benefits of Shopify Plus that will make your marketing team smile include:

  • Make changes easily – all of the key functions to your site are available in the admin panel so changes to copy or design can be made instantly.
  • Conversion tracking – it’s easy to build in conversion pixels which allow you to track your social media efforts and marketing campaigns.
  • Advanced analytics – see who’s buying, where they came from and where they go next with Shopify Plus’ advanced analytics panel and free Google Adwords credits.
  • Discount code generator – design your own marketing campaigns and entice customers with discounts and promotions.
  • Market testing – the Shopify Plus admin panel allows you to create targeted email campaigns and optimise for success with features such as A/B testing.

Another benefit of Shopify Plus is that it’s been built with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in mind – a clear driver of traffic to most ecommerce sites. Shopify Plus allows you the use of independent URLs, page titles, meta descriptions, image alt tags and headings – all of the ingredients needed to optimise a site for more traffic and search engine results page positions. Shopify Plus also allows blog integration and social media sharing, helping you to gain further reach.

Lastly on the marketing side, Shopify Plus offers a huge benefit for those looking to migrate their store from another platform. Its Traffic Control App allows you to direct the traffic you’ve already built without losing any SEO juice – ideal for making the jump when you already have an established search engine ranking.

Multiple payment options

Shopify Plus brings together three key ways for merchants to manage sales – online, in-store and through social media channels. This allows businesses to sell online with a Shopify POS system which ties in with in-store sales and stock inventory. This can be extended for merchants who want to sell on Facebook and Pinterest – an excellent way to extend social sharing and visibility of products.

As well as multiple channels, Shopify Plus also offers direct payments through Stripe and other third-party payment gateways such as PayPal, PAYMILL and Authorize.Net. Also allowing you to sell in multiple regions and languages. This allows merchants to expand across all verticals, gathering business from all sides of the globe.

High-level support

Shopify and Shopify Plus invest a lot of time and effort in helping merchants to achieve the highest level of success possible. When you build and develop a platform yourself, support can often be an expensive afterthought or a frustrating process of forum searching.

Shopify Plus provides a high-level of merchant support at no additional cost. All customer support queries are answered fast – whether to you as a store owner or your developer. This safety net ensures that you can adapt and improve your site at any time – with FAQs, email, chat and even phone support whenever you might need it.

Shopify Plus consultants and support

If you’ve read through the benefits and think that Shopify Plus could be your best placed solution to scale, then employing an expert consultant, agency or freelancer may help. Here are some of the Shopify Plus personnel that we work with and who are available for you to employ:

Shopify Plus Partners

Shopify invests heavily in ensuring its merchants can make a success of their businesses. This includes finding the right personnel to help them along the way. An official Shopify Plus partner can assist you with your efforts in retail strategy, mobile shopping, social commerce and more. They’ll have access to all of the latest Shopify knowledge and you can bet they’ll share it with you too. Through our matching system we can find the Shopify Plus partner who’s right for your business. Not only will they be verified by Shopify’s own team of experts, but we’ll also vet their work in an unbiased setting, allowing us to advise you on the partner who is best matched to help achieve your business goals. Shopify Plus partners are usually agencies who have worked on the Shopify (and other ecommerce platforms) for years, so there’ll be a team of people ready and waiting to take your online store to the next level.

Shopify Plus Experts

Each ecommerce business is different. We believe each option offered should be too. It’s why we work with a variety of Shopify Plus experts who come in different shapes and sizes – just like your stores do. Some businesses prefer to work with a Shopify Plus expert freelancer who can dedicate themselves to a single project over a period of time, or provide the type of service one usually only receives when employing an in-house developer or marketer. Our Shopify Plus experts come with a wealth of backgrounds – from craft stores, to SaaS ecommerce, through to automotive and luxury goods – so it’s guaranteed that we’ll know a Shopify Plus expert who has worked in your niche. During our matching process we’ll also analyse your business needs to see what disciplines your best suited partner should have. From marketing expertise, to SEO knowledge, integration expertise and migration, we can find you an expert who has the hand-picked qualities you desire.

Shopify Setup Experts

When you’re setting up from scratch, you’ll need handholding in all of the right places. The Shopify Setup Experts we recommend have completed the journey hundreds of times before, so they’ll know all the right questions to ask and the right processes to follow. Shopify Setup experts help you to launch your store and assist with all of the initial tasks, including how to organise products, set up inventory, configure domain names and choose payment providers. The Shopify Experts we work with can also teach you how to manage your Shopify setup so that you can take over the operation and maintenance of your store for the long-term.

Shopify Designers

Ecommerce sites are characterised by their beautiful designs. Get yours right and your customers will be treated to an experience that makes them want to come back for more – just like a beautiful bricks-and-mortar store would. The Shopify designers we procure are experts in their field and understand what an ecommerce merchant needs from a template, or custom-built design. From a small design refresh, through to a full design and build from scratch, or design overhaul, we can match you with a designer who will take your project from conception to completion. Helping you to create an online storefront that’s beautiful, easy-to-use and optimised for user experience and sales.

Shopify is a great ecommerce platform for small and mid-sized businesses. Shopify Plus takes this to the next level; allowing high-growth, large volume merchants to purchase and manage inventory, attract customers and build scalable business plans.
To find out about any of the Shopify Plus areas we have specialists for, fill in our free Shopify Plus consultation form today. We’ll get right back to you.


Dan Barker
Dan Barker: LinkedIn | Twitter
Carl Hendy Ecommerce Consultant
Carl Hendy: LinkedIn | Twitter

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