Ecommerce Web Design Consultancy

We offer a service to help you find an ecommerce web development team to manage your ecommerce website development and bespoke ecommerce solutions.

Worked with:

Ecommerce web development is trickier than it looks. You need it to look good, work flawlessly and entice the user to buy and then buy again.

Whether you’re starting from the bottom up or are nearly there, we can help you to find the perfect ecommerce consultant, agency or freelancer who will suit your ecommerce project and get it underway.

Some of the ecommerce web development services we can help you to find include:

  • Ecommerce web development
  • Ecommerce web design
  • Magento website design
  • Ecommerce strategy
  • User experience review and/or planning
  • Content management systems
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Multi-lingual ecommerce integration

Your Ecommerce Web Design Experts

Carl Hendy

Founder at Audits, SEO Consultant, and Angel Investor. Previous B Corp award-winning agency owner (acquired).

20+ years of experience in SEO and ecommerce advisory roles, covering both strategy and technical execution. I have previously worked on ecommerce SEO strategies for British Airways, John Lewis, O2, Eventbrite, Marks & Spencer, Yoox Net-a-Porter Group, Cotswold Co (award winning SEO campaign), BooHoo and New Look (award winning SEO campaign). Carl competed within the most competitive search verticals such as travel, fashion, iGaming, health, credit cards, and insurance.

Carl Hendy LinkedIn | Carl Hendy X (Twitter) | |

Dan Barker

Dan Barker

Background of 20+ years working with digital technology, from software engineer through various marketing, data, ecommerce, fintech and other projects through to CMO of a couple of international businesses, non-exec, trustee, etc, having worked across many areas, for more than 100 brands in both freelance and in-house capacities. I enjoy spending time learning, and working with positive organisations to make a difference.

Dan Barker LinkedIn | Dan Barker X (Twitter)

Our why

Some ecommerce agencies are all about designing a great looking product. Others push the technology to give you the sleekest user experience. Some do both.

Our why is to find the best ecommerce fit to suit your business’s focus, to give you an end product that’s right the first time round. In today’s market, you can’t afford miscommunication and as experts in the ecommerce market ourselves, we know that there’s the right fit out there for each individual project. All you need to do is find it.

Technical talent, creativity and experience in what works are just a few of the skillsets we look for in the ecommerce contacts we recommend. As longstanding ecommerce consultants, we can spot a wordy proposal a mile off. It’s our job to cut through the noise and match you with the skillsets you need, to achieve online success for your ecommerce business.

People we know

Some of the ecommerce web development services we can help you find specialists to support you on include:


Ecommerce sites have to look good, but work perfectly too. Fancy designs and enticing products will get the customer there, but it will be the technical backbone and seamless checkout process that will help it become a lucrative online business.

Creating an ecommerce site from scratch, re-platforming from another system or just tidying up an existing site: they all require an element of strategy. That’s why we look for ecommerce partners who have experience across design, development, strategy, metrics, project management, SEO and user experience. Partners who fully buy into the power of the full ecommerce mix in order to get under the skin of your business and the goals you want it to achieve.

How it works

The ecommerce experts we work with are able to develop your business an online strategy that ties in with what the user sees and what sits behind it. Therefore determining how you will attract new customers, sell products to them and keep them coming back for more.

This may start with a multichannel strategy based on insight and research. Who are your customers? What’s the space you’re operating in? What factor would make the difference between a purchase and an abandoned cart? This insight becomes the backbone of a business model, where digital marketing opportunities and product roadmaps are incorporated at every step of the way.

Next, it’s onto the technology. The right technology and ecommerce platform is the one that works for you to deliver end-to-end ecommerce solutions suited to your business model. With no ‘one size fits all’ solution in ecommerce it’s up to us to match the right skillsets with your project. This is where our background as ecommerce consultants comes in handy, as we’ll be able to spot where you might be heading and pull in the right experts to get you there more quickly. Whether that’s a Magento redesign, a Shopify to BigCommerce migration, or just a DemandWare refresh, we have the contacts to recommend.

To help make strategy easy, fill in our form for a free consultation

Ecommerce platform selection

The ecommerce platform you choose for the next one, two or ten years will depend on your strategic direction. Not sure what that is? Our experts will help you choose the right platform guided by the business goals you are looking to achieve. We are able to pair you with experts who can offer a variety of choices and a wealth of system expertise. Hosted or self-hosted, open source or on-premises, once matched with the right consultant they’ll gain a thorough understanding of your goals to help you find the platform best suited to your ecommerce business.

We work with consultants and agencies from all industries and backgrounds, across B2B, B2C and C2C, to ensure your platform choice is underpinned by experience and insight. Some of the platforms our recommended ecommerce consultants and partners are fluent in include:

  • Magneto
  • Shopify
  • DemandWare
  • ATG
  • Hybris
  • WooCommerce

Selecting the right fit

The right ecommerce expert will look at all of your business needs and the marketplace in which you reside. They’ll check your traffic figures, the number and variety of products you offer and any plans to scale.

As well as choosing the right platform, the consultant or agency we match you with will be able to offer a full service delivery. With so many platforms, gateways and designs available, your ecommerce partner will listen first and then zoom in on the solution that suits you best. They’ll start at the top to help with supplier matching, hosting, add-ons and payment gateways before digging deeper into your platform needs.

Taking care of the tough bit from start to product-perfect finish.

Fill in our form for a free consultation to help you get started


Underpinning every extraordinary ecommerce website is an extraordinary design. We only work with ecommerce designers who really ‘get’ the market and what a well-designed ecommerce website needs to look like. Through this, the ecommerce teams and individuals we recommend are able to create a design that’s focused on achieving online success.

One key skillset we look for is the ability to merge the business need with the customer one. Creating an ecommerce experience which is both functional and a joy to use. This requires an understanding of the key disciplines which work together to create an impactful design; backend technology, user interface design, customer journey and site architecture to name but a few.

Some of the services we can recommend consultants or agencies for include:

  • Designing a new ecommerce presence from scratch
  • Brand-building an ecommerce website
  • Re-designing an existing ecommerce site
  • Creating a new design of an existing site that’s been replatformed
  • Building targeted landing pages for campaign management

Regardless of your project or platform, we believe that a good design needs to work harder than just looking good. It needs to slip the user in, guide them along gently but with direction and then deposit them safely on the other side, with exactly the product or service they need.

Some of the ways we ensure that happens is through only working with ecommerce experts who are advocates of the below attributes:

Cast-iron reliability

The key to a smooth user experience is reliability. A site that looks amazing but is technically stable and robust, while also being future-proofed for developments in HTML standards and other key considerations.

Mobile responsive ecommerce designs

A design is only of use when it’s flexible to the user’s needs across operating system, device and connection. It’s a website that looks as good on mobile as it does on desktop, with ease of use across all platforms and considerations.

User Experience (UX)

Simple, intuitive, thoughtful. Just some of the ways a good user experience should be defined. This starts with the homepage and drives the entire customer process, from browsing, to payment and through to checkout. By getting under the skin of the customer and their needs, it’s possible to create a seamless user experience, built on strategy but tailored to people.

Creative thinking

Your website is the spokesperson for your company and it needs to say something unique. Each element of design should contain a highly concentrated level of creative flair. Design that feels intuitive but creates moments of surprise and delight. Design that’s led by experience of what works but isn’t afraid to break convention. Ultimately, designs that resonate, provide inspiration and make the customer want to do business.

If this sounds like the type of design you can get on board with, contact us for an introduction to the design experts


Delivering your ecommerce project takes a specialist blend of disciplines; project management, technical, data analysis and innovation. It’s why we handpick experts who are eloquent in all. Some of the services our experts can deliver in a single package include:

Project management

A streamlined project process will take away the stress of delivering your ecommerce website. The teams we work with are able to manage multiple workstreams across all areas of strategy, delivery, build and design. As well as supplier management, budgeting, strict timeline reporting and progress iterations, the ecommerce services we recommend will add a touch of flair and insight into every stage of your project. Managing the essentials and choosing the right methodology, while pointing out opportunity that will provide true value to your future transactions.

Multi-channel integration

No one ecommerce model fits all. To get to the real peak of what you can achieve, it takes the knitting together of a variety of channels and processes. Customers don’t need to know what channels underpin your site; they just need to know that it works together in synchronicity, providing a seamless experience. Our multi-channel consultants can advise on best practice, integration solutions, strategy and how to safely take care of key aspects such as PCI compliance and API integration.

Security and IT

Protecting data is only going to become more important to businesses of all sizes over the next few years. To ensure safety, alongside seamless experience, it’s best to have the experts on hand from the start. Our recommended consultants will build security into the foundations of everything created, working within key data protection and privacy laws. Having worked with some of the largest customer-facing brands in the world, they understand the importance of security which can’t be compromised. Performing regular website security reviews as standard, to assess and mitigate any areas of vulnerability. Analysing ecommerce applications through backend integration and third-party interactions, to ensure ultimate security. Overall, providing the breadth and depth of security analysis and experience needed to create a completely secure connection with your customers.

Product iteration

The key to staying on time and on budget is regular product iterations, that consistently define and review. Through the methodology that suits your project best, whether this is Agile, Prince2 or another, our experts will ensure that you are able to halt and pivot at any stage. This allows you the flexibility to stay on the right path and dip into individual features, while producing an end product that’s always in line with your business aims.

Testing and launch

A good ecommerce site is only as good as the people that test it. Pre-launch testing and review is a crucial part to every project undertaken. The experts we work with will try their hardest to ‘break’ your site so that no one else can get there first. This ensures that the ecommerce experience you put out to the world is robust, secure and flawlessly executed.

If you’re ready to deliver, fill in our form for a free consultation on the best experts for your project


As well as creating an ecommerce site that looks good and works well, ecommerce marketing strategy is a big factor in attracting and converting customers. Without some knowledge of SEO, content creation, email and online marketing it will be difficult to create a site that pushes all of the right buttons.

When matching you up with the ecommerce expert who’s the right fit for your project we’ll ensure they have the marketing skills to help you hit the ground running, or can find you the right people who do.

Through the pairing of marketing disciplines across all areas of digital, including affiliate marketing, search engine marketing (SEM) and content writing, you’ll have the skills at your disposal to boost your online presence, build a brand and maximise on sales opportunities.

Some of the marketing principles our contacts can help with include:

  • Search engine optimisation
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Online brand building
  • Social media integration
  • Product sharing engines
  • Search engine marketing and PPC
  • Content and blogwriting
  • Outreach and affiliate marketing

To find out more about ecommerce marketing fill in our form for a free consultation


Every ecommerce opportunity begins with being able to read the data that gives you clues to your audience. Through data capture, research and analysis, you can optimise opportunity, increasing conversion and transaction number as a result.

Many of the ecommerce consultancy services we can recommend are able to read data and provide you with only the conclusions that matter. From this, they’ll work with you to adjust and iterate in a hands-on approach that will lead to more sales and a smaller customer abandonment rate.

Some of the pillars of ecommerce optimisation that our experts can offer include:

  • Understanding what makes a customer leave at any point in the customer journey
  • Reading customer churn and deciphering the reason behind it
  • Finding opportunity to cross-sell and upsell throughout the experience
  • Analysing cost per acquisition for each individual sale
  • Reviewing traffic sources
  • Using tools to analyse SEO effectiveness and areas for improvement
  • Employing social proof and other ‘trust-building’ tactics
  • Integrating tools such as remarketing and PPC to capture lost sales

For support on finding the right ecommerce marketers for your site, grab a free consultation with us.

Dan Barker
Dan Barker: LinkedIn | Twitter
Carl Hendy Ecommerce Consultant
Carl Hendy: LinkedIn | Twitter

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